Ancient Mystical Tibetan DZI Stones

What are DZI Beads:

Mystical Shamanic DZI Beads, originally found in the Himalayas and made only by an unknown method by the Buddhist tibetan monks. These beads are used by shaman, monks and healers along the himalayas, it is said that these beads posses mystical properties, each style has its own unique meaning from protection, to good fortune, to calmness and mental fortitude and much more.

Who these are for:

I first learned about these stoned from journey several years ago to the himalayas, it was not until years later in my last trip to asia, i found these rare stones and brought them back with me just before the world shut down to share with other mystics, healers, and those seeking spiritual fortitude through the troubling times we are in.

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Very Limited Quantity